目前分類:Spiritual अध्यात्म (51)

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Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the sun
Shining upon
The tomb of your hopes
And dreams so frail
He was the moon
Painting you
With it's glow so vulnerable and pale

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the wind, carrying in
All the troubles
And fears you for years tried to forget
He was the fire, restless and wild
And you were like a moth to that flame

The heretic seal beyond divine
a prayer to a god who's deaf and blind
The last riles for souls on fire
Three little words and a question -why?

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

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On the 13th of August, last Wednesday evening father lost his battle with cancer...

Tonight Chinese called the first of seven...

What can we do is all we prepare you may back,
I do wish I can see you once to hear your voice, your bright body. Your infinite eyes.
But I really hope you may rest in peace...

You will be missed...

Even though we've lived apart,
I do not love you less.

There's a love that like a star
Must reconfigure space
To turn the far-flung wanderers
Towards some predestined grace.

Ah, Father! What a joy to live
With love at last expressed!

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Sometimes in heaven a fable is born
Nobody knows where it comes from
It gives us strength and it tells us of love
And everyone of us is touched in their hearts
It may enrich us or pull us down so far
But life is not always black and white

Let me believe it, let my eyes see
Each day a new page is written, I know
Therefore this fable, it will never end
Because it's the fable of dreams

Hope for the hopeless and light for the blind
If we let this message reach our minds
It may enrich us or pull us down so far
And live can be more than black and white

Let me believe it, let my eyes see
Each day a new page is written, I know
Therefore this fable, it will never end
Because it's the fable of dreams
(lunatica, fable of dreams)

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Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say life is full of chooses
No one ever mentions fear...
Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted finally home where I belong...
One step at a time
One hope, then another
Who knows where this road may go
Back to who I was
On to find my future
Things my heart still needs to know...

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Father was hard to speak, much like he was in past month. Mid-night is our secret time only dad and I, I hugged him, kissed him, there are so much more to say, my heart is full, talked to him. and I felt a gentle squeeze from father's hand and our connected.

This photo I took few days ago, his hands : with his own love, wisdom, glory, prayer, pleasure, and happiness....Additionally, it might know many.

We have done our best and will continue to give dad what we can. Let father to continue feel proud of us, take pride in having us as their children and family.

His life is meaningful for giving us what he can and it is even more meaningful as we remember his teaching, his value, his attitude towards life and his mind when dealing with challenges and hardship....all these will last forever as they become part of us.

Time matters not, nor pain, nor death, nor fate as hard as stone. We do not love him less. There's provision in the heart for storing tenderness. Life has no greater gift to give than that with which we're blessing.

With love at our express!


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Never ending on beginning,
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain,
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Spinning silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!

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Dear God, please send me somebody who’ll care.
I’m so tired of running and sick with despair.
My body is aching and filled with such pain.
And dear God I pray, as I run in the rain
That someone will love me and give me a home,
A warm cozy bed, and food of my own.
My last owner left me alone in the yard….
I watched as they moved, and God that was hard.
So I waited a while, then went on my way.
To rummage in garbage and live as a stray.
But now, God, I’m so tired and hungry and cold;
And I’m so afraid that I’ll never grow old.
They’re chased me with sticks and hit me with straps
While I run the street just looking for scraps.
I’m not really bad, God, please help if you can.
For I have become just a “victim of Man”
I’m wormy, dear God, and I’m ridden with fleas;
And all that I want is an Owner to please.
If you find one for me, God, I’ll try to obey.
I will be so grateful if they’ll let me stay.
I don’t think I’ll make it too long on my own.
“Cause I’m getting weak and I’m so all alone.
Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry.
“Cause I’m so afraid, God that I’m gonna die.
I’ve got so much love and devotion to give.
That I should be given a new chance to Live.
So dear God, please hear me, please answer my prayer.
And send me somebody who will REALLY care.

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Just smile and let it go
Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you
Dream of falling in Love
Anything you've been thinking of
When the world seems to get to tough
Bring it all back to you

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The grass is not more beautiful than the flower ;
The grass is not more fragrant than the flower ;
But the grass is stronger than the flower .

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Every now and now i go to sleep, i couldn't stop dreaming about you
your love is got me feeling kinda weak.. i really cant see me without you
and now u're running around in my head im never gonna let you slip away again(again)

its real love that you dont know about...

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But They don't understand
What they don't know
Cause, what I feel starts
Deep inside
It's kinda like a sea
That springs into life

Song: Whatever It Takes - Leona Lewis

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  • Jul 19 Sat 2008 02:20
  • LOVE

To love is nothing.
To be loved is something.
To love, and be loved, is everything.

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This year, a lot of mothers lost their children in Sichuan.

19 years ago today, a lot of mothers lost their children in Beijing.

It is mainly natural disaster this year. But it was not natural disaster 19 years ago.

In remembrance of the souls which were once beautiful and courageous.


By MusicPancake's


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日前,在深圳市抗震救災,深圳有愛賑災晚會上, 晚會主持人與一位小女孩朗誦的這首在互聯網上廣為傳播的詩作《孩子來生我們一起走》,引發了廣大觀眾的強烈共鳴,這首發自肺腑的詩歌表達了一對母女在地震 災難降臨之後表現出的那種至深的愛。   

這首由網友文燭創作的動人詩歌已經被深圳詞作家田地改寫為同名歌詞,並由深圳作曲家 姚峰譜曲,連夜創作完成為獻給四川地震災區所有母親與孩子的歌——《孩子,來生我們一起走——為汶川地震中遇難的孩子而作》。

歌曲即將在兩三天內製作完 成,隨後向全市乃至全國播出,讓飽含深情的歌聲成為溫暖的陽光,慰藉災區所有受災群眾的心靈,成為陪伴他們共渡難關的精神力量。

原詩文燭 改詞田地 作曲姚峰




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1. 當你正在忙時,卻把手機開著,等著她/ 他的短信 .--.你已經愛上她 /他了。

2. 如果你喜歡和她 /他兩個人單獨漫步.--.你已經愛上她/ 他了。

3. 當你和她 / 他在一起時,你會假裝不注意他,但是當她離 /他開你的視線時,你會急著尋找她 /他.--.你已經愛上她了。

4. 當她 / 他受傷或生病時,你會很關心她,替她 /他著急 .--.你已經愛上他了。

5. 當她 / 他和別人要好時,你會感到吃不知其味 .--.你已經愛上她了。

6. 當你看到她 / 他那甜美的笑時,你的嘴角會揚起一絲得意的笑.--.你已經愛上她 /他了。

7. 當你看到這篇文章時,心裡想到某個人。

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  • Oct 22 Mon 2007 23:00
  • 靜默


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