To All My Buddies! My Business Web Site already launch, dot cc"
come and visit & leave me message there, and also a new email for the domain is!
Love, Hazel
Hot 1 (foundation): 90 min /
All Levels: Ideal for beginners
our heated room of 38~40°c facilitates safe deeper stretching & a healthy glow through a detoxifying sweat. Balance your body; build core strength, mental focus, & patience. Come prepared with bath towel and water!
Hot 2: 90 min /
Intermediate Level: NOT for beginners
this is a intermediate level hot class, with challenging deeper postures. A regular hot 1 practice is mandatory as this class builds from that foundation and includes binds and inversions. Come prepared with bath towel and water!
Regardless of experience come nourish yourself & feel inspired through a community of pregnant women. Throughout 90 minutes, gentle stretching, strength, flexibility, relaxation and breath awareness will be the focus. This class will benefit moms to be to safely condition the body, gain confidence and energize! The room is NOT hot.
Classes are set up as 8 week sessions:
SATURDAYS 3:00 -4:00 PM
Time:1:30 - 3:00PM
Call for more information about when the next session begins!
Mom and baby yoga... a great way to connect and engage with your baby through massage and movement. A time essential for regaining harmony, strength and confidence. This 90 min practice is a great opportunity to have fun, relax and bond with baby. Recommended 4 weeks old – crawling. Please bring a blanket, pillow, comfortable clothing water and yoga mat (we rent mats, towels and sell water). The studio is NOT hot!
Classes are set up as 8 week sessions:
WEDNESDAYS 3:00 -4:00 PM
NOTE: missed classes can be made up with any other of our classes within the 8 weeks, classes do not get carried over
Click here to sign-up by Email or call at 9501 1124.
Drawn from the Taoist tradition this complimentary practice explores the body's subtle energies. Postures are slow and held for several minutes to encourage lengthening and deep release in the connective tissue, cultivating a peaceful and meditative mind. This is suitable for pregnant women.
Personal instruction can be an incredibly valuable tool whether you are new to a yoga practice or a seasoned practitioner. Our experienced teachers take the time to access the needs of your specific body / mind and work with you on the path.
Recovering from injuries with a restorative postures or wanting to take your practice to its next level? Perhaps a public studio environment just isn't your thing. Call and discuss the options for one on one or small group private sessions with our teachers both in-studio or at a suitable place more convenient for you.
Working parallel to a regular consistent yoga practice (we recommend a minimum 3 times a week), both, new or experienced practitioners to us can benefit greatly from the open public workshops held regularly at the studio (10-30 students). These workshops are dedicated to exploration and clarification of the Hot Foundation and Power Flow classes. More personal attention and focus can be addressed to your specific needs by scheduling a one on one or small private group session. (max 6 people)
The workshops address the key points and the underlying foundations of each style of practice with practical application in postures. The casual fun open setting is conducive to question and answer.
It is recommended (but not mandatory) to have done a warm up practice or class earlier in the day prior to starting your personal workshop. Small groups have a maximum 6 students.
Never ending on beginning,
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain,
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Spinning silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!
3 、“苟科,你活著出去以後,轉告我的爸媽,我這輩子做不成他們的兒子了,只好下輩子再做。”——綿竹市漢旺鎮一所中學高二學生張明建,在地震廢墟下向最要好的同班同學苟科說。
10 、“我堅持不住了。小雪,答應我,你一定要活下去……”
”日前,在深圳市“抗震救災,深圳有愛”賑災晚會上, 晚會主持人與一位小女孩朗誦的這首在互聯網上廣為傳播的詩作《孩子來生我們一起走》,引發了廣大觀眾的強烈共鳴,這首發自肺腑的詩歌表達了一對母女在地震 災難降臨之後表現出的那種至深的愛。
這首由網友“文燭”創作的動人詩歌已經被深圳詞作家田地改寫為同名歌詞,並由深圳作曲家 姚峰譜曲,連夜創作完成為獻給四川地震災區所有母親與孩子的歌——《孩子,來生我們一起走——為汶川地震中遇難的孩子而作》。
歌曲即將在兩三天內製作完 成,隨後向全市乃至全國播出,讓飽含深情的歌聲成為溫暖的陽光,慰藉災區所有受災群眾的心靈,成為陪伴他們共渡難關的精神力量。
原詩文燭 改詞田地 作曲姚峰
◎ 蝦的心臟在頭部。
◎ 豬無法看到天空。
◎ 老鼠和馬不能嘔吐。
◎ 貓的尿液是夜光的。
◎ 世界上有50%的人從來沒有接聽過電話。
◎ 你睡覺的時候,不知不覺中會吃入70多種蚤虫。
◎ 你永遠不可能用你的舌頭舔到你的手肘。
◎ Sixth Sick Sheik's Sixth Sheep's Sick 是英文中最難以發言的一個句子。
◎ 打噴嚏若過於強勁,會導致胸腔破裂。
◎ 如果你打電話超過一個小時,耳朵裡的耳垢會增加7倍。
◎ 打火機比火柴更早發明出來。
◎ 你的心臟可以產生把血液噴出三十尺高的壓力。
根據統計,有90%的「低能友」沒有看完呢篇妙事,已經試圖用自己的舌頭舔自己的手肘 !
唔准講大話,你有冇先 ﹖﹖﹖
1. 當你正在忙時,卻把手機開著,等著她/ 他的短信 .--.你已經愛上她 /他了。
2. 如果你喜歡和她 /他兩個人單獨漫步.--.你已經愛上她/ 他了。
3. 當你和她 / 他在一起時,你會假裝不注意他,但是當她離 /他開你的視線時,你會急著尋找她 /他.--.你已經愛上她了。
4. 當她 / 他受傷或生病時,你會很關心她,替她 /他著急 .--.你已經愛上他了。
5. 當她 / 他和別人要好時,你會感到吃不知其味 .--.你已經愛上她了。
6. 當你看到她 / 他那甜美的笑時,你的嘴角會揚起一絲得意的笑.--.你已經愛上她 /他了。
7. 當你看到這篇文章時,心裡想到某個人。
Fitness Centre Manager - Now Hiring
A company involved in the provision of Fitness Management Services to High End Private Clubs, Property Companies and Corporations in Hong Kong requires the services of an experienced Fitness Centre Manager.
Overseeing a high end private member's Club fitness operations, including Personal Training team, membership sales and administration, the successful candidate will need:
Personal Trainers and Full-Time / Part-time Instructors
Body Torque seeks to employ individuals for the following position(s) located in a prestigious Private Club. Interested parties please send full resume with expected salary to Miss Sara Chan at E-mail: or fax no: 2537 9644
Stetch Asia Limited the leading stretching studio in Hong Kong that specializes in flexibility and postural alignment using the revolutionary technique called Active Isolated Stretching is seeking the employment of a full time position to join thier team of therapists.
The studio is 2,300 square feet, open concept studio in the upper part of Wyndham Street and is an oasis of clean air, enhanced with oxygen and ozone generation. The studio aims at educating clients through Active Isolated Stretching leading to an improved quality of life.
Employment Requirements: The successful candidate should have a minimum of 3 years in the fitness and health industry. Specializing in either personal training, Pilates, Manual Therapy or Physical Therapy. The candidate should be fluent in English and ideally Cantonese. Job Responsibility: The position will involve teaching core strengthening and flexibility classes to small groups. All training will be provided by Stretch Asia Limited. Benefits: An attractive salary will be provided for the right candidate. Candidates MUST have an engaging and enthusiastic personality. Resume / CV: Interested candidates should send their applications and CV to the Managing Director Mr. Chris Watts at Stetch Asia Limited 4/F., Winsome House 73 Wyndham Street Central Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2167-8686 Fax: (852) 2167-8667 Web Site: |
1. All things are interdependent.
2. Touch and intimacy are basic human needs.
3. Fear and pain are two of life's greatest teachers.
4. Exercise and rest are essential for vibrant health.
5. Laughter and play are life's fountains of youth.
6. Partnership is based on trust and communication.
7. Breath is life.